First, I got some hamsters. (Yes, multiple.) Two to be exact.
(Second) The same day, I was attempting to cut some cheese with an incredibly (stupidly) sharp knife... Bad idea I guess. :P I slipped and nearly cut my left index fingertip off. Six stitches, the most I've ever gotten. It was fun, and I didn't even faint (exactly {at least not quite}).
Third, yea, actually I don't have a third. My life has been fairly boring lately.

OHHH! WAIT! I lied! Best thing ever! I discovered a band! (I would say "new band" but I'm pretty sure it's only new to me.) They're called "Steam Powered Giraffe" and they are officially (ok, not very official, but whatever.) the COOLEST BAND EVER!!!!!! They're steam punk robots! And their music is amazing! And they are HILARIOUS! And I am totally, like, fangirl crushing on all of them! (Which is totally abnormal for me.)
You only wish you were as cool and rad and hip and groovy and aloe (inside joke) and awesome and talented as they are...
And their fans are just about as awesome as they are. I've been lurking around the SPG forums and they all amaze me a little bit. I wish I was as cool as them.
And with this particular band, I would be one of those creepy stalker fans who went to every concert and knew all of their names and where they lived and stuff. (If I could afford it.)
In conclusion, I'm a creepy, clumsy, underpaid, animal hording, STALKER! :D (With bad sentence structure.)